Snippet Sunday: Choose your weapon…The Gryphon and His Thief @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday

Darrien is cursed and must keep the artifacts in the museum safe at all costs, but his heart tells him his duty is to protect Calli, the thief who has stolen the Hectate stone from the museum. Duty or heart has him torn on what to do.

The snippet below is in Calli’s POV. She’s awake with a horrendous headache to find the man/Gryphon in her motel room. He tells her she’s safe, but it in no means puts her at ease.

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Six Sentence Sunday: Twilight’s Eternal Embrace #2

It’s Six Sentence Sunday! This is the 2nd tidbit from my WIP, Twilight’s Eternal Embrace. (vampire/historical/upper YA).

Blurb: Adryanna, a Lathe Sith, mourns the death of her recently mated sister, but she finds solace in the most unlikely place—in the arms of Bram, an Oiche Sith. She should fear him, loathe his existence, but instead she longs for their twilight embraces. Bram admires Adryanna’s strength and wishes only to protect her, even if it’s from him.

If Bram cannot find a way for Adryanna to survive the blooding ritual the romance is doomed. They seek help from Sheerin, Bram’s cousin, who believes he’s found a way for the Lathe Sith to survive, but others in the Oiche Sith clan do not wish for them to succeed.

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