Mesmerized… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday #HeartandSoul

Chapter One: Maverick spoke to Rowan on the phone about the manager’s position but never met her in person.
I’m skipping ahead a few paragraphs. Maverick told Rowan he’d show her the apartment as soon as he closed the coffeehouse but they’d go over what the manager’s position entailed tomorrow morning. This is Maverick’s POV, but Rowa

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Voices in My Head… End of the Road @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday

Recap from last week’s snippet: Cecilia returns to the study after making a cup of tea to read her father’s journal and finds the book open to a page where her father had written an eerie message. She’s spooked at first since she doesn’t remember leaving the journal open, but the only other person in the house is her mother and her mother is asleep upstairs. She finally brushes the unease aside and sits down to read the journal from the beginning.

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