Snippet Sunday: The eyes say it all…The Gryphon and His Thief @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday

Calli is making light conversation as she decides just how she’s going to deal with Darrien,who though nice on the eyes, is crazier than the Mad Hatter. He’s in her motel room, demanding she hand over what she’s stolen from the museum. Not going to happen.

Though Darrien is a Gryphon shifter cursed to guard the museum artifacts, he also wants to keep Calli safe now that he’s convinced she’s his wife reincarnated.

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Snippet Sunday: Heart or Duty, which will win out? The Gryphon and His Thief @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday #SPeekSunday

Darrien discovers the thief looks curiously like his wife who has died centuries ago. He was cursed because he had not protected her. Not wanting to leave her unconscious in the parking lot, he scoops her into his arms heads inside her motel room and places her on the bed.

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