Did you see… Heart and Soul #8sunday #SnipSun #snippetsunday

He shook his head and chuckled. He most likely spotted someone from the tour going off on their own. This made him pause. He didn’t think anyone would just wander off by themselves, but this woman had either vanished, or she deliberately headed into the foliage where there were no lights placed, and he didn’t remember her holding a flashlight. Yet she kind of glowed. That was it. That was why she seemed out of place. She shimmered. “Ghost,” he murmured and startled himself for even voicing it.

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Difficult to resist… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

“Maybe, but it’s not just about the money for me, and don’t underestimate a good cup of coffee.” He lifted his cup with a grin before he placed it down and leaned his elbows on the counter. “I wanted a place where music could be appreciated with keen senses. The specialty coffees and teas were just an added bonus,” he added as his gaze took in her every feature.

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Swaying to the music… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

She turned in his arms as he gathered her close for a kiss. Lord almighty, he knew how to kiss. She could feel it down to her toes and her stomach flip-flopped in response as a slow burn of desire curled through her, warming her from the inside out. She pressed closer loving the way he held her, enjoying the smooth demand of his mouth but tonight he didn’t pursue more. He released her, and it took a moment more before she could breathe normally again.

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