A story to tell. Twirl and Dip

“I didn’t realize anything was missing in my life until she walked into my coffeehouse,” Maverick said and glanced at him. Drake chuckled. “Why do I have a feeling there’s a story there?” “There is.” His lips curved and he seemed for a moment lost in thought. “I hope you aren’t going to keep me in suspense.” They chatted for hours, catching up and reminiscing about old times. The story about how Rowan and Maverick became involved proved a tale worthy of a movie of the week with a mystery and ghosts to boot. Sometimes real life proved more interesting …

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A Vision or Not? Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

She stood and hurried to the road again. She ran a hand through her hair as her gaze searched the area for any sign of movement, any sign of life. The tree leaves rustled as if whispering amongst themselves and judging her. She whirled around and trudged back to her car and slipped inside. Her hand went through the motions of starting the car about she sat there unable to put the car in reverse. Her hands shook as her fingers grabbed for the purse that had slid to the floor.

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Swaying to the music… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

She turned in his arms as he gathered her close for a kiss. Lord almighty, he knew how to kiss. She could feel it down to her toes and her stomach flip-flopped in response as a slow burn of desire curled through her, warming her from the inside out. She pressed closer loving the way he held her, enjoying the smooth demand of his mouth but tonight he didn’t pursue more. He released her, and it took a moment more before she could breathe normally again.

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Wooing a woman… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

The women went wild for that romantic crap and now he had his own ideas on how to please a woman. It wasn’t just about sex–though that was an excellent benefit to a relationship. He also enjoyed, seeing the woman he was with, light up from a small gesture as simple as walking her to her door after a date or buying her little things she enjoyed like her favorite movies or music.

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