The Magic of a Kiss

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What magic does a kiss hold? Shakespeare wrote that a kiss is a seal of love.

A kiss can be filled with passion, tantalizing the senses with secrets. In fairy tales, fair maidens are awakened. Wedding vows are sealed with a kiss. Being a romance author, kissing is apart of the story. Whether the hero or heroine is human, vampire or shape shifter, it’s all about passion overriding caution. The kiss should ignite a bone-melting fire that spreads through the blood with promises of dreams of the future.

Kissing is a part of the romance to find the one, but it wasn’t always so. A kiss meant other things as well.

In 300 A.D. Roman husbands kissed their wives to find out if they had been drinking while they were away.

Legends and traditions were made with a kiss. In Italy, a woman who kisses the armor-clad statue of Gidarello Guidarelli, an Italian soldier, would marry a wonderful man. In Ireland, people travel from all over the world to kiss the Blarney Stone. It is believed to give good fortune and the gift of eloquence. In Germany, it is believed if spouses kiss each morning, they will earn thirty percent more money and will live five times longer than those who do not kiss.

Along with the legends, believe it or not, there are also the laws that forbid kissing. In Hartford, Connecticut it is illegal for a husband to kiss his wife on Sunday. In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, it is a crime to kiss a stranger. In Colorado, it is against the law to kiss a sleeping woman. It was good thing Snow White didn’t live in Colorado or the prince would have been arrested.

A kiss speaks your mind and the scientists believe it’s all about dopamine, neurotransmitters—the release of pheromones.  While kissing, chemicals are believed to trigger the need for closeness, giving the hard-wire impression to a woman if this person is the right mate. Gives a whole new meaning to how shape shifters find their mates.

It is also theorized that there is testosterone in men’s saliva, making females relax, happier—hmm, perhaps enticing the woman to want to be with him. And you thought Vampires had power.

Looks like kissing is a potent love potion for men and women. It’s all in the kiss.

So pucker up and enjoy the magic.

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11 thoughts on “The Magic of a Kiss”

  1. Hi Karen,

    I love kissing and all the reasons and legends and laws. I can totally believe that about a kiss from the right man being relaxing (as well as enticing and exciting.) I can be all upset and aggravated and hubby can give me a kiss. Then it all seems more bearable and less disturbing somehow. LOL
    Who knew all this about a KISS??? Great blog.

  2. KAREN!
    VERY COOL POST!!! I didn’t know all that about a kiss!!! Sometimes, kissing scenes are harder for me to write than actual sex scenes. Your website is very neat–I love the picture with this post!

  3. Lovely post, Karen! And here I thought a kiss was just a simple thing. LOL Thanks for the 411 on pucker-power. *heehee* Now, I know why hubby kisses me when he gets home from work!! LOL He’s either saying “Hubba-hubba” or trying to make sure I ain’t takin’ nips off the cooking sherry!!! *wink wink*

  4. wow, kissing is actually illegal in some places!!! I can hardly comprehend it! Oh well, at least it looks like hubby and I will be getting 30% increase wages and longer life span LOL!

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