She dreamt of dead people. Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Keep in mind Heart and Soul is a WIP. This is in Rowan’s POV. Last week Katie was tell Maverick and Rowan about her ghost experience. *** She shivered as she recalled that day. “Totally creeped me out. Look.” She lifted her arm. “Gooseflesh just talking about it.” She glanced at Rowan. “How about you. Do you believe in ghosts?” Before Rowan could answer the door chimed, and a couple walked in. “Just take a seat anywhere,” Maverick told them. (This is the end of 10 sentences. for Weekend Warriors. Continue for Snippet Sunday 300 words or less, if you …

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I’ve been interviewed at ReadFreely. #endoftheroad

I’VE BEEN INTERVIEWED AT READ FREELY! They asked some great questions. Love to have you stop by if you have the chance. I’m chatting about End of the Road. Also find out what I’m reading right now. Love to know what book you’re reading too. Come by and share. @authorkarenmichellenutt , AUTHOR OF END OF THE ROAD

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Release day is tomorrow! Pre-order END OF THE ROAD for only 99¢! #8sunday #snippetsunday

Cecilia’s ghost father appears in her kitchen. She’s a bit startled to see him but recovers quickly to ask him how he was able to appear in her house when he’s never done so before. His theory is that she brought his journal home and it made it easy for him to follow her.
In this scene, it doesn’t read exactly how it does in the book. A few sentences have been tweaked to meet the 10 sentence limit. This is in Cecilia’s POV. Lars explains how time is different for him than it is for her.

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