Twil and Dip by Karen Michelle Nutt

Food and Conversation… Twirl and Dip #SnipSun #snippetsunday

Twirl and Dip (WIP) Drake’s POV Drake’s stomach rumbled and he cringed. “Was that your stomach?” Rowan asked and her lips twitched. “Afraid so. I haven’t eaten since breakfast. I can never eat before a gig.” “I never could either,” Maverick said. “I’ll fix some sandwiches. Do want something, too?” she asked Maverick. “I can’t have a man eat alone.” She grinned and shook her head. (Finishing up the scene) “Of course not.” She headed back to the kitchen. “Thank you,” Drake called to her. “No bother,” she shouted back. Maverick and Drake moved to one of the tables with …

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Exit Stage Right. Twirl and Dip #8sunday #SnipSun #snippetsunday

Drake realized his hands held all he needed and hurried out the door and to the emergency exit he’d spotted earlier when the band did their soundcheck. Feeling like a wanted criminal, he pulled the cap down lower. He usually wore contacts, but he occasionally wore glasses as part of disguise to avoid fans. Superman had it right. No one recognized you if you changed your style and wore dark-rimmed glasses.

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