Snippet Sunday: Magic of the Loch (Chapter One #2) #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

Hello Sunday Readers!

I hope you had a fantastic week. What have you been up to? Love to know. :)

This month I'm participating in the A to Z Challenge. It's coming to an end. Monday is Y for Yule and Tuesday is Z for Zombies.

There's a Goodreads Giveaway for SOUL TAKER going on right now. See the sidebar to enter for a chance to win a print copy of this Urban Fantasy! The contest ends May 1st!

Now for Snippet Sunday. This is another snippet from Magic of the Loch. We completed the snippets for "The Legend of the Loch" week. Today's snippet is continued from last week: Chapter One #2. Click here to read Chapter One #1. In Chapter One Michaela meets Alan and Hyatt for the first time.

The Wild Rose Press


Michaela Grant travels to Scotland for a holiday, knowing this vacation is her last. A medical condition threatens her life and any chance of a future—until she meets Alan MacLachlin, a man forced to exist between two worlds.

Alan is the legendary Loch Ness Monster. Once every fifty years he returns to human form in search of his soul mate, the one woman who can break his curse. He believes he has found forever with Michaela, but to claim it he must figure out how to save her life.

Michaela and Alan vow to take what time has to offer, but another threat looms. A sinister shape shifter with a vendetta against Alan is making Loch Ness his personal hunting ground. Now he’s threatening Michaela. Alan must discover who the shifter is and stop him before it’s too late.


Set up for the snippet: Present day, Chapter One. The streets of Drumnadrochit were buzzing with the news of recent sightings of the Loch Ness Monster. Everyone wants to capture his or her own photo of the legendary creature.  The woman, Michaela is renting her cottage from, gave her the directions to where she could rent a boat for a day. Michaela is on the pier, heading toward the boat tied off at the end when a German shepherd, that is chasing a cat, comes barreling down the pier. Luckily for Michaela, Alan saves her from a falling into the loch. Once Alan knows she hasn't been harmed, he makes known what he thinks about her arriving unexpected. She can't believe how rude he's being.


Now for the Snippet: (Alan is speaking first...)

"If ye want to schedule a tour, ye need to call ahead of time.”

“I assure you I didn’t mean to trespass. I took the path Mrs. O’Malley told me to—”

“Mrs. O’Malley?” he interrupted.

“Yes, I’m renting out her lovely cottage up—”

“I know where her cottage is, ye doonae need to draw me a map.”

“You don’t have to be so rude about it.”

His blue eyes, like a flickering flame of a gas stovetop sparked with intent to burn.


Like always, I would love to know what you thought of the snippet. :)

If you’re a writer (regardless of published/unpublished status) come join us and share a snippet of your work in progress, a new release, or an oldie but goodie.

Participating Authors are listed at these sites: Hashtags: #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday

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34 thoughts on “Snippet Sunday: Magic of the Loch (Chapter One #2) #SPeekSunday #8sunday #snippetsunday”

  1. I love your premise – it’s unusual, but I can really see how it would work. I enjoyed the humour of the piece and the first glimmers of an attraction.

  2. He is abominably rude! Reasons or not, I hope she zings him! Love the premise of the book/series. I went to Loch Ness when I was 22–gorgeous place. Unfortunately, Nessie did not show herself. :)Great 8!

  3. That analogy to the blue flame of a gas stovetop is outstanding! Right away I could “see” exactly what that looked like. Great snippet, Karen.

  4. Yep that’s a cool ending description. I wonder if tempers are going to boil over here or if something unexpected will happen. Thanks for sharing this excerpt.

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