Maybe She Overreacted… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

“The band is about to start,” he told her before he handed a woman her order of two coffees with lots of whip cream and chocolate sprinkles.

“Who is the old guy seated at the end of the bar?” she asked without looking toward him.

Maverick glanced over her shoulder. “That’s George Herman.”

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His intense stare unsettled her… Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Even though he’d been polite the previous night, his intense stare unsettled her, but she couldn’t tear her gaze away. The sounds of polite conversation around her seemed to fade in the distance as she watched the man cup his a mug and slowly lift it to his lips, never entirely taking his gaze off her as he indulged.

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Dreams or memories? Heart and Soul #8sunday #snippetsunday

Rowan tossed and turned in her sleep, but the dreams invaded her slumber without a care of how she would fare in the morning. She used to try to force them away, but now she welcomed them with hopes of learning more about the couple she was connected to in ways that would boggle the mind. It had taken her years to accept and embrace it even when others thought she’d lost all perspective on what was real and what was imagined.

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Just passing through… End of the Road @KMNbooks #8sunday #snippetsunday

Cecilia didn’t believe in ghosts until her father, who died tragically 23 years ago, appears to her. She’s still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that ghosts are real. We’re jumping ahead a few sentences in this snippet from last week’s. She threw a few questions at her father. One she asked if her mother could see him. Her father told her no, but he thought she could sense his presence.

Now for the snippet. Cecilia glances at her father, taking in his appearance all at once…

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